I feel a little bit out of my depth here and therefore this post won't be full of the world's statistics, because I don't think anorexic people are looking for that, they need support, advice or help. When people here the term anorexic or bulimic, they automatically think, she thinks she's fat, she starves herself or binge eats. But that's part of the problem.
Some girls who are anorexic or bulimic do do it because they feel fat when they're actually incredibly thin and getting thinner all the time. But that's not the only reason. I've never personally had or dealt with an eating disorder, but I know girls who have. A lot of the time, they may just want to feel in control of something if the rest of their life is spiralling out of control. Perhaps a death, their parents splitting up or school-related stresses. The most important thing, no matter what the cause, is making people feel better.
Another important factor is that it IS NOT only girls or only teenagers who suffer from eating disorders, guys and people over 20 CAN suffer from them too! It's important to remember that!
I don't know whether this technically counts as advice or whether it's the same things you hear from everybody, but, in my personal opinion, if you have an eating disorder, it's one of the most serious mental and physical conditions out there. Control and discipline are major elements and whilst I won't bombard you with facts and figures about eating disorders, I will say this: please, please tell someone. You can't win as big of a battle as this one on your own. Because you may think, through cutting all of this food out you have great self control and strength, but you're actually in one of the most weak and vunerable places you could possibly be in. If you don't feel like you can trust anyone right now, and often people suffering from eating disorders feel as though the WHOLE world is against them, please send me an email and I would happy to give you some more personal advice that is tailored to your own situation.
If you can't talk to anyone, if you can't eat, if you cant stop binge eating and then getting rid of that food later (nicest way possible to describe it!) then just think about the people around you. Whether you can trust them or not..just think. Your friends, family, people you love, people you look up to, either they're none the wiser and are going to completely beside themselves when you get rushed to hospital or collapse or they know or have noticed and are really scared and worried too.
It may seem as if you're completely in the dark and completely alone, but there are people there for you, including me, and I will not tell anyone or repeat any information. It might even make you feel slightly safer/better telling me, because I have no access to your parents or friends, so I would never be able nor would I ever tell them.
Please stay safe and well.
Katie xxx
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