Saturday, 10 December 2011

Haul: Lush!

When I made a visit to LUSH this weekend I was expecting to pick up some of their Christmas items, but none grabbed my attention. So instead I picked up their two most popular soaps in the Youtube/blogging community that before had made me ask: what's all the fuss about?! It was only today that the smell really made me understand why so many love them. That's right. Honey I Washed The Kids and Rockstar. They're amazing.

(how cute is the Christmas wrapping paper?!)

This will sound completely bizarre..but it kinda smells..caramelly..ish..that kinda thing..really good anyways!! Definitely would be too sweet for some people I think!

To doesn't smell like honey at all..might just be me!?

don't think you can totally see..but it even has that honeycomb effect :)

Rockstar is a more universal reminds me of the Candy Cane bubblebar from last year's Christmas collection..I'm not sure if they brought that one out this year though :( that was my favourite!!

In the little mini description of Honey I Washed The Kids they called it a 'honey toffee-scented' soap and for Rockstar a 'vanilla' scented soap..I wouldn't say it smelt like vanilla at all..but I may be wrong! It's much sweeter I think. I love them both! HIWTK soap retails at £3.25/100g and Rockstar retails at £3.25/100g also, so it's a great deal :)

Make sure to go into your local LUSH store soon :) it smells beautiful in there and they do great pre-wrapped/pre-prepared christmas gift boxes too which make great, affordable Christmas gifts <3

Thanks for reading!! :)


Saturday, 3 December 2011

NOTD: Basil Street.

Heya girlies :)

This past month in Glamour they are giving away a free Nails Inc. nail polish with every issue! As it's December now, they might've stopped doing it..sorry if that's true!! There were 4 colour choices, but I personally wanted Basil Street, a really light, nude brown colour and here it is :)

(love the really nice packaging too!)

It is really subtle but looks really nice too :) I'm pretty sure that these polishes usually retail at £11 so getting one free in a £2 magazine is really great. Glamour usually do a free luxury, high-end product in their magazines every couple of months so definitely watch out for that :)

Thanks for reading lovelies :)
